Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting has been convened for Sunday 18 August 2024 after the 10am service to consider the following motion:

“The Parish of Papanui:

1.    remains supportive of the full sale of the land to the Christchurch Methodist Mission as
previously resolved on 28/04/2024;

2.    agrees to retain less land (800 m² to 1,000 m²)  for a new vicarage and potentially for a future curate’s house and / or future missional Parish purposes, if this would result in a better development opportunity for the land;

3.    acknowledges that the change of government has made public funding for social housing much less certain and that this may impact the viability and timing of the proposed sale to the Christchurch Methodist Mission; and therefore

4.    approves the identification and pursuit of other potential purchasers for the site as a backup to the preferred sale to the Christchurch Methodist Mission.”

The date of this SGM has been set so that CPT and Standing Committee can then consider the motion at their September meetings. Only once that is done can Vestry and CPT act on it.