Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Past Events (Page 10)

Heritage Week – Open Day

Visit this historic church and learn about it’s history. St Paul’s Church will be open and visitors can enjoy this historic building, as well as viewing a display of photographic and historical material.  St Paul’s Anglican Church was built in 1877, on the site of the earlier church. The graveyard in which the first burial took…


Sung Evensong with hymns. Responses sung by the vicar and congregation.

Parish Film Night

Come and join us for our next film night. Showing ‘Pecking Order’ Friday, September 17th – 6.30pm. Gold coin donation for ice creams Please let the office know if you intend to come along.


Hey everybody As you know, we are in COVID Alert Level 4 lockdown, which means everything has been cancelled for this week. As the week goes on, we will update our Sunday service events. We look forward to the time when we can all be together again.


Traditional Evensong with responses by the Vicar and Congregation

Organ Recital

Jeremy Woodside, organist with Lois Johnston, soprano, will be presenting a beautiful progamme. Tickets $15 at the door Concert starts at 2pm.

Parish Film Night

Let’s join together to watch the movie ‘Doubt’ – all welcome. 6.30pm start. Gold coin donation for the ice-creams.

Open Christchurch

St Paul’s in Papanui is one of the 46 buildings in the Open Christchurch Festival of Architecture.We will be open to the public from 10.00am until 3.00pm on Saturday, 15th May.Graveyard tours, children’s activities, a photographic display of changes inside the church are part of what we are offering.