Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Posts from 2021 (Page 5)

To change the world

Last year I wrote about the church and politics. I had quite some feedback, so I decided to read a book on the topic. It is called “To change the World” by James Davison Hunter. The book includes a lot of background analysis. In the modern period it looks mainly at the interaction between Christians…

Future directions

Thank you to all those participating at the Future Directions Meeting last Sunday. Through the meeting we realised that we needed more prayer and more analysis, but were also clear that the process could not be drawn out. We want to be responsible stewards of what is entrusted to us. As we look into the…

Level 2 Alert and services

The Ash Wednesday service at St Silas has been postponed until a later date in Lent. The Knitting Group at 2:00pm on Monday, 15 February 2021, will go ahead with appropriate distancing. Musical Play at 10:00 am on Tuesday, 16 February 2021, will go ahead. By attending parents/caregivers clearly indicate to the co-ordinator of the programme that they understand that the programme…

Mission and gifts

The early missionaries to New Zealand were instrumental in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. They put the trust others had in them and their own skills to good use by working for the good of all people. At times the work they did was hard. Their motives were questioned by many, but they…

For the love of God

Many parishioners here look back over a considerable number of years at St Paul’s. Throughout that time they have gained many precious memories, have been fed in their faith, led in their path through life. This church has been a significant part of their life. Those who joined us more recently have hopefully developed some…