Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Vicar’s Blog (Page 14)

Necessary for a good society?  

I recently watched an interview with the American philosopher Michael Sandel. In that interview he discussed inequality and our definition of success. He argued that in a good society a broad equality of condition is required.He said that required civil society to be designed in such a way that there are public places and common…

Times of rest

At our recent minister’s meeting Eddie O’Connor from the Sister Eveleen Retreat House came to speak to us. He spoke about the importance of taking a time of rest and reflection. He compared retreats to regular dentistry appointments. Just as we require regular health check-ups, so our spiritual health requires regular attention. While we do…

St Luke’s Close  

This week I had a conversation with a vestry member of St Luke’s, the church that had previously stood at the intersection of Manchester and Kilmore Streets. The parish dissolved last year, but its work continues through the ministries it funds. For example, the St Luke’s Inner City Chaplain is sustained through funds of the…

Risus paschalis  

During the Middle Ages it became custom in some areas to elicit laughter from the congregation on Easter Day in order to express the joy of Christ’s triumph over death. Priests would tell jokes and amusing stories from the pulpit to get the congregation to laugh. There was even a technical, liturgical term for this—risus…

Holy Week

From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday Christians remember the events of that week in Jerusalem, when Jesus walked towards his death on the cross, followed by the stupendous news of the resurrection. We hear about these events nearly every Sunday through our Communion liturgy, but during Holy Week we focus on the details and try…

The Diocesan Mission Action Plan Part 2

At the heart of the Diocesan Mission Action Plan is the idea described among theologians by the Latin phrase mission Dei—the mission of God. Rather than being centred on us and what we do, such an approach asks how we together can participate in God’s mission in this world. Mission is NOT first what we…

From me this week –

This week our family has been isolating due to testing positive to COVID-19. While that isolation period would end for most of us in time to return to church services this Sunday, some parishioners are concerned about having such recent COVID cases in church. We therefore are not at church this Sunday. We hope that…

The Diocesan Mission Action Plan – Part 1

Last year the Diocese of Christchurch adopted a new Mission Action Plan, which would shape its actions in the coming years. It seeks to encourage the Diocese as a whole—and parishes and individuals—to actively participate in God’s work by turning toward the world with love and proclaiming the Good News.  The goal is to regenerate…

Old plans – new plans

Recently I went through some of the old files in my office. That’s when I came across the work of the 2050 Group. This group met in 2010 and looked at ways to make St Paul’s sustainable and ready to engage with the community to 2050 and beyond. The group took a long-term view of…

Parish Annual General Meeting

At the last Synod the Diocesan Ministry Units Statute 2021 was passed. This means that AGMs will proceed somewhat differently from how they might have been conducted in previous years. According to that Statute, the business of that meeting should include:a. confirmation of the minutes of any prior meetings;b. receipt and adoption of the accounts…