Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Vicar’s Blog (Page 4)

Sadhu Sundar Singh

Even though the Anglican Church does not officially recognise “saints” as people that were set apart by God, each Anglican Province has a calendar of commemoration to remember Christians that exhibited faith in a way that was significant for the Church. These men and women are reflective of the Christian faith through the ages and…

St Paul’s and Cathedral property matters

Both the Diocesan Standing Committee and Church Property Trustees have approved the parish motion at the last AGM to retain some of the land for a vicarage and to sell the remaining land with preference given to the Christchurch Methodist Mission. This is a necessary step in the process. The Methodist Mission need to confirm…

The worst thing

A few weeks ago one of my children asked me what might be the worst thing that could happen to us. An asteroid hitting earth? “Possibly,” I said. But if it destroyed most life on earth very quickly, it may not be that bad. The despair and reaction of people before it hit may be…

Catholic Church

On Trinity Sunday we used the quite different Athanasian Creed, instead of the Apostle’s or Nicene Creeds. Some people noted the recurring reference to the catholic faith, the catholic religion and the catholic church. But what does the term catholic mean? The Greek word katholikos is a combination of two Greek words: kata (“according” or…


At the Annual General Meeting only one ordinary Vestry member was elected. The Bishop has since advised that another parishioner should be co-opted by Vestry as an ordinary Vestry member, so that St Paul’s Papanui would not need to be dealt with as a problem parish by the Bishop. Several people involved with the Parish…

The solution to the problem is…

Last week New Zealand’s electricity system came close to its limits on a cold day with several power stations out of service for maintenance and hardly any wind to drive turbines. Both private and commercial electricity users helped by saving power. Alongside efforts to conserve electricity there were also efforts to state the problem clearly…

The Armour of God

Last year I was getting ready for my second day of the Diocesan synod. I was sighing as I put on my jacket. My daughter asked me where I was going that day and what I would be doing. I told her that I was going to a church meeting, where I would be listening…

Annual General Meeting

Last Sunday St Paul’s had the annual general meeting. Thank you to all those who attended that. The following positions were filled: People’s Warden: Liz van Til Synod Representative: Rod Wintour Treasurer / Vestry Member: Hank van Til Vestry Member: Patricia Leadbeater We really should have had an additional synod representative and vestry member. I…

Generous Giving

You may have noticed that occasionally there are inserts in our newsletter from various organisations that seek donations. I am always wary of bombarding parishioners with too many donation requests. In fact, Ruth and I are constantly turning away requests from various organisations seeking to elicit donations from parishioners. However, when they are organisations or…

Artificial Intelligence

Following my sermon last Sunday I’ve had a few conversations about Artificial Intelligence (AI). Most people are justifiably concerned about it. I think that concern is also reflected in our society at large. Despite that concern, it seems that a greater role for AI is inevitable. It will certainly affect our lives. No doubt AI…