Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Posts by Rusty (Page 12)

God knows where they come from

Some time ago I read the book “God knows where they come from” about the lives of four church leaders from different denominations, who all grew up in Hokitika on the West Coast. There’s the Anglican, the Methodist,the Presbyterian, and the Catholic. Even though in the middle of the 20th century, the different denominations often…

Silent night, quiet times

I still have problems with the understanding that Christmas is over on Boxing Day. As a child for us Christmas lasted from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. In many countries these days, New Zealand included, Christmas seems to begin sometime in the middle of November, and certainly is here by the 1st of December until it…

Link Church

Earlier this year the New Zealand Church Missionary Society (CMS) asked us whether St Paul’s Papanui would consider becoming a Link Church for Neill and Rebekah Dunbar. A Link Church is a church that has committed to supporting a Mission Partner through the CMS. Link Churches provide spiritual, financial, practical and relational support for Mission…


About three weeks ago we checked the hutch of our female rabbit and found some new arrivals there. Eight little rabbits had arrived. And this time they thrived. The female rabbit had already given birth earlier to some young some weeks earlier, but that being her first litter the little rabbits had not survived. This…

‘tis the season to be holy

A few days ago I was wandering through a shopping precinct and looked at the many shop fronts that were decorated for the forthcoming festive season. One sign caught my eye. I thought it read “‘tis the season to be holy”. What a strange sign! As I stopped to read the sign more closely, I…

Skill sharing and ancestry

As part of the St Paul’s skill sharing initiative I decided to make use of Julie Abbott’s offer to do some research into English ancestry. While my mother’s continental ancestry is quite well documented, the family didn’t know that much about the English connection. That comes in the figure of William Lawton. Unfortunately, William Lawton…

Symmetry in nature

Sometimes we never really think about what just seems natural to us. For me that happened about the symmetry in nature.My daughter asked me one of those child’s questions: “Why do we have two ears?” I explained to her that with two ears we can distinguish the direction a sound came from. “Is that why…

New / different situations

Recently a friend from St John’s College days died in Fiji. We were invited to watch the funeral service on-line. We did not do it live, and later on only watched the highlights. The full funeral service was 4 ½ hours long. I think such a long funeral service would normally not be accepted in…

Martin Luther and the exclusion of the obstinate

One of the biggest criticisms of the church reformer Martin Luther is his attitude towards Jews. Some of his later writings were clearly anti-Semitic and quite vicious. However, he did not always have that attitude. Initially, he felt that Jews may even be his allies in their knowledge of the Scriptures. In any case, he…

Policies and procedures

The Diocese of Christchurch has employed a safeguarding officer this year to bring “safeguarding practices” up to speed. As a result, we as a parish were encouraged to adopt policies and procedures that reflect what is required of a charitable organisation in today’s world. While the Diocese provided some of the templates for this, Ruth…