Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Posts by Hank van Til

How church plans turned out

In my personal devotions I have recently come across a few verses that stressed that humans may make plans, but often things turn out quite differently. They also suggest that God’s hand is somehow part of this different course of events. I was thinking that this also held for church affairs. In the office here…

Finding a mess

On the weekend I was at a public reserve and noticed the dog poo in the grass. “Who would not clean up after their dog?” I thought. Someone clearly had not been considerate and I was getting a bit annoyed. But then I thought back a few years. I remembered how not that long ago…

Hall use

If you’re not around the Hall during the week, you may not notice that this can be quite a busy place. Many groups use the Hall and Lounge. The Mana Ako group for young disabled people is in the Lounge on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That means that some of these young people spend a…

Welcoming strangers

I was a teenager when my parents first arrived with the family in New Zealand. Initially we lived in Orewa just north of Auckland. Two days after our arrival my mother marched us to the shoe shop to buy gumboots. In our first month in New Zealand there were only two days without rain. But…

Property and finances

Last year the tennis court and vicarage land was offered for sale through a real estate agent. After reviewing the offers, we decided with CPT (Church Property Trustees) to work with a shortlist of two potential buyers. One final offer was too low and had some other issues. The other offer was for just the…


The first verse of Michael Card’s beautiful song “The Final Word” is:‘You and me, we use so very many clumsy words The noise of what we often say is not worth being heard When the Father’s wisdom wanted to communicate His love He spoke it in one final perfect word’ That puts it well, but…Michael…


Waiting for Christmas is not easy. These days it is quite normal to have the lights, the carols, the mince pies and the crackers early. But what about the presents? I was told about a young woman who would give all the Christmas presents to her children early. She was not able to wait until…

Immanuel, Hosanna and other Hebrew words

Throughout the New Testament and Christian tradition there are several Hebrew words that have not been translated, but rather transliterated, keeping (more or less) the original sound of the words and imbuing them with theological or liturgical significance. Some of these words are quite common words in the original language (mostly Hebrew), but have acquired new significance. Take the word “Immanuel”, which…

Keeping Christ in Christmas

Around the family table my daughter told me about the Christmas one of her friends had a year or two ago. There were no presents for her friend that year; instead the parents had decided to concentrate on Christ that Christmas, leaving the distraction of presents for one year. My daughter was adamant that we…

Census 2023 – More Christians than Anglicans in New Zealand

While Anglicans should be regarded as Christians as well, for the first time there were more Christians in New Zealand who wanted to be just known as Christian, rather than Anglican. There were 364,644 who identified as just Christian and 245,301 as Anglicans. The number of Anglicans has been rapidly dropping in recent years, while the number of Christians has been steadily…