Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Lenses of truth

Aren’t lenses amazing things? Not only do they enable us to see clearly with the aid of our glasses, but they reveal so much more to us besides, whether through hand-held lenses, optical microscopes, telescopes, binoculars, or electron microscopes. When I was a child, my parents gave me a microscope one Christmas. That amazing present opened up new worlds for me. I…

Human knowledge and wisdom

Recently, we were thinking about the current world situation, our human preoccupation with data about the Covid-19 pandemic and the lack of wisdom that sometimes surfaces in the ways we deal with such important issues. Our attention was drawn to the poem ‘The Rock’ by T.S. Eliot. This relates to the well-know DIKW Pyramid (diagram) which purports to illustrate the way that…

La Cosecha

Que estemos dispuestos a escuchar con humildad y juntos alcanzar ese conocimiento nuevo que Dios quiere que crezca en nuestro corazón. Démosle la oportunidad a nuestro señor Jesucristo de permanecer en nuestra vida y que nos permita servir en lugar de ser servido. Que nos permita ayudar más a los demás y velar por nuestro…

The Power of Story. Life May be Epic.

It’s the 2nd of May. On “May the 4th” Star Wars fans worldwide celebrate “May the Force…” and we see all sorts of “May the 4th (Force)” memes pop up on our social media. When the film first came out, some Christians made much of “the Force” and used it as an allegory of the Gospel or the Holy Spirit. The Bible…

Home prayer and devotion

It will be some weeks yet until we will be able to meet again in the Church. Maybe it is at a time like this when we think again about our prayer life at home. I think there are many different habits of that, and we will probably adjust as our situations change. Having children certainly also influenced my daily routine in…

Musings, Chapter 2

I have been gently reprimanded, self-reprimanded, conscience motivated, whatever directive one keeps to use for feeling one ‘orta do something’ Yea-OK “God was telling me” there I said it. He organised my spending less time “getting the house in order” and so spend more time thinking about LIFE and him. Priorities, with God, are always ‘him first’. The apostles, those that were…

Gifts from God

It was the shaking that woke me, short, sharp and pushing sideways. ‘It’s just a small one’ –I reassured myself, already drifting back to sleep. Then-thwack! This time I tapped the bedside light, sat up and discovered the ‘quake’ was my Australian Terrier jumping against the bed. I was more than a little peeved! ‘Really Lily!’ I scolded ‘Surely you don’t need…

The best-laid plans….

My father would always add a caveat to any plan he might make, with the words ‘all being well’. What he really meant in his heart was ‘God willing’, but he came from a long family line (like me after him) for which any utterance of God’s name, in any way that might be construed as being disrespectful, was almost a capital…


Queridos hermanos en Cristo Jesús. Que la gracia del Dios todopoderoso les acompañe en esta hermosa mañana junto a su espíritu santo. Les damos gracias por un nuevo amanecer lleno de motivaciones, de esperanzas, de salud, lleno de vida y sobre todo de abundante gozo espiritual. Aprovechamos estos momentos para juntos con Dios, reflexionar sobre…

Tim writes …

While some of the most stringent restrictions of the Lockdown may end soon, the country will still be determined by the response to COVID-19 for some time. Public worship services will not recommence before we are at Level 2: the Bishop will issue further instructions when and how such services may be celebrated and to what extent we can open the church…