Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Tim writes –

By now we are into the second day of staying at home due to the Alert Level 4 response to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. I am working from home and slowly setting up the office here. Having previously worked from home, I know that it is not that easy and that I prefer a separate office to go to so that I…

Not cancelled

Great to connect in these times of uncertainty—maybe the wonderful butterfly of good things that emerge from our chrysalis will be a more caring, connected society that actually thinks about each other more. This poem seems to sum it up well: Conversations will not be cancelled. Relationships will not be cancelled.Love will not be cancelled.Songs…

Church services suspended

Due to the national response to the COVID-19 crisis all church services at St Paul’s Anglican Church, Papanui, have been suspended until further notice. On the instruction of the Bishop of Christchurch the church will be closed until further notice from Tuesday, 24 March 2020, even for personal prayer. It will still be open on the Tuesday for any last minute arrangements,…

COVID-19 and church services

The Bishops have advised that as of Monday, 23 March 2020, there will be no public worship services at Anglican Churches in New Zealand until further notice. The Prime Minister has advised that we are on a Level 2 pandemic alert. That means, in particular, that people over 70 years of age or at high…

A non-anxious presence

We’re in a time when the threat of infection and the fear of death disrupts all normal interactions between people. It is wise to take all reasonable precautions. And that is different for each person. Those who are most at risk need may need to adjust their life radically. We all need to play our part in inhibiting the spread of this…

For the Common Good

For the Common Good A response to the harm done the Muslim community on March 15, 2019. Following consultation, we release this statement: As people of various faith traditions, we recognise that we share common space; the common space of this planet and city we all call home. For those of us committed to the Christian faith, our Muslim neighbours are our…

It’s a boy!!!

Our son Sebastian was born earlier this week. It is great to finally hold him in our arms, after we’ve been waiting for him for so long. We’re relieved that he has had the care to arrive safely. His brother and sister were excited to touch him for the first time. We have received many messages of congratulations. The news of this…

Something new …

If you are reading this, you have found our website. We are trying to keep it up to date and relevant. The Vicar’s message that’s currently in the pew sheet is now also on-line, as well as the sermons. We are all called to encourage another build each other up. Some of us can best do that in written form. There has…

Tim Writes …

With the increasing spread of the coronavirus, there is some concern about how this may affect us as church. The Bishop has published the following guidelines:  “We should always follow good public health and hygiene habits. For public worship, the Bishop advises: 1. Wash hands, particularly celebrants (I am doing this). 2. Use hand sanitizers. (As soon as we can get some…

Do the things we own own us?

Moving house is always a great time for a clean-out. I have moved frequently through my life and so had many opportunities for a clean-out. Nevertheless, it is always amazing how much stuff we have amassed in a relatively short span of time. As I go through the belongings I always weigh up whether we might use an item in future or…