Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Vicar’s Blog (Page 18)

Political influence

In the face of societal changes and political forces we often feel quite powerless. At least we live in a democracy and every three years we can vote to change the form of local or national government. Of course, our own individual vote hardly ever makes any difference. Indeed, as a somewhat independent thinker, I…

Prayer in church

During our church services there are times of prayer, when we pray together as a church community. For many years there has also been the opportunity for personal prayer during the 10am services. In recent years the prayer room to the south of the chancel has been available for prayer during services, with someone rostered…

Hymns for any time

For our rest home services we always sing a few of the old favourite hymns like “The Lord’s my Shepherd”, “Amazing Grace”, “The Old Rugged Cross”, Blessed Assurance”, or “Praise my soul the king of heaven”. The people respond to these hymns. Some of the people we meet in rest homes have difficulty communicating, or…


It is quite difficult to get clothes onto new-born babies. They are just not used to the arm and leg movements required to put on tops or pants. But they soon learn and it becomes a habit. Indeed, after a few months it is easier to dress a baby that is protesting and fighting than…

Water levels

When I regularly went tramping on the edges of the Mackenzie Country and in the Ashburton Lakes / Upper Rakaia area I checked river levels frequently so that I knew how rivers behaved and at what time it may be safe to cross them. I was amazed at how in severe weather events river levels…

The books of Samuel

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. According to the Lectionary of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia this is the last Sunday of the season of Easter. So the next Sunday we return to Ordinary Time. There are two parts of ordinary time in our liturgical calendar—one between Epiphany and Lent and the…

Sword of the Spirit

When you look at the chancel window you will see St Paul holding a scroll in one hand, with the other hand resting on a sword. Sword and scroll / book have long been symbols associated with St Paul. Some say they represent the letters that he’s written and his death by a sword. My…

Winter rain

As I am writing this the weather seems to have turned from summer to winter in one night. This morning, when I stepped into the cold air and falling rain, I wanted to retreat back inside and snuggle up beside a nice fire to read a book. It just felt like hibernating weather. Sometimes I…

Communion and children

The Sacraments are the “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ to the Church”. These signs strengthen us and mark our identity as children of God, as those who belong to the family of Jesus Christ. Along with other Protestant churches, the Anglican Church recognizes two sacraments: Baptism and the…

Godliness with contentment is great gain

Our baby son Sebastian is quite keen to explore new foods at the moment. Indeed, he’s so keen that if he sees something new and interesting, he refuses the food that’s on his plate and screams for that new thing, even though he may later realise that he doesn’t like it. Nevertheless, there are some…