Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Hall Complex Project

After the discussions at the AGM about working together with Te Papanui Trust on redeveloping the hall complex, I thought it might be good to set out a timeline of where we’ve come from so far. Diligent readers of vestry minutes might have gleaned the information, but it is better to see it all in one place.

February 2021: Future Directions Meeting facilitated by Chris Jansen from Leadership Lab. Parish decides to us facilities as a vibrant centre to service the community. Conversations with community groups and council to be initiated.

April – May 2021: conversations with Te Papanui Trust on use of hall.

July 2021: Vestry agrees with TPT to work on future vision to work together on hall project.

October 2021: Delegates from Vestry, TPT and Papanui Youth Development Trust (PYDT) meet for discussion.

November 2021.:Shared vision for Ministry in north-west Christchurch formulated. First suggestions of possible building alterations drafted.

February 2022: First discussions on delineation of responsibilities and legal framework. 

March 2022: Vestry decides to defer working on hall project to concentrate on tennis court land

July 2022: TPT approaches Vestry whether it could commission a concept draft for the hall at TPT cost. Vestry agrees.

September 2022: Meetings with architects and reference group (TPT, St Paul’s PYDT). Initial input by Vestry.

October 2022: First concept draft shown to reference group and then vestry. Feedback given.

November 2022: Adjusted concept draft shown to TPT and vestry. Vestry enthusiastically welcomes and supports the overall vision. The plans would be put to the Diocese, the Parish and finally to CPT.

November 2022: Communication with the Archdeacon about the vision. The Archdeacon talks to Gavin Holley and Edwin Boyce.

December 2022: Gavin Holley addresses Vestry on the land and hall development projects. Vestry
formally agrees in principle with the vision for the hall complex proposed by TPT.

December 2022: January 2023. Overall concept communicated to the Parish.

March 2023: Description of hall project submitted to Standing Committee for feedback.

April 2023: Vicar and wardens meet with Bishop, CPT, and diocesan managers. Motion brought to Parish AGM.