Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Annual General Meeting

Last Sunday St Paul’s had the annual general meeting. Thank you to all those who attended that. The following positions were filled:

People’s Warden: Liz van Til

Synod Representative: Rod Wintour

Treasurer / Vestry Member: Hank van Til

Vestry Member: Patricia Leadbeater

We really should have had an additional synod representative and vestry member. I have communicated with the Diocesan Office to find out whether we can operate with the Vestry as is. It is likely that we can do that for one year, but will be encouraged to have a full vestry next year.

A motion on retaining some of the tennis court / vicarage land and selling the remainder to the Christchurch Methodist Mission was passed, with an amendment recognising the fact that we did not have a finalised proposal. The meeting also agreed to the motion asking the Vicar and Vestry to prioritize pastoral care.

At the meeting I mentioned that we would want to look at some event to welcome our new neighbours on Harewood Road just across the railway line.


As part of the Mission Action Plan, we had several studies over the last year. Gareth Bezett, the Director of Theology House, has agreed to offer a study on the early church and some of the debates in the church at that time. His preferred time for the sessions would be on Thursday afternoon at 2 pm on 20 June, 27 June, 11 July, and 18 July. I know some people are busy on Thursday afternoons. I would appreciate feedback on this proposed study at that time.

Anglican Advocacy has offered a specifically Anglican study on the Treaty of Waitangi, given that CMS missionaries were quite active in its promotion and of course translation. If there is an interest in such a study, we could schedule this later in the year.