Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Posts from July 2024

Tennis Court Developments

At the Annual General Meeting the Parish resolved to go ahead with the sale of most of the tennis court land to the Christchurch Methodist Mission (CMM) to provide housing for the elderly. I indicated then that the government direction on social housing was not yet known. There is some more clarity now. Funding has…

Part 1 – Welcoming our neighbours

You may have noticed that the townhouses across the railway line from St Paul’s are now complete. More and more residents are moving in. We thought that we should welcome our Harewood Road neighbours. After all, they will be the closest residents and will hear the bells of St Paul’s more than many others. Of course we want to invite them to…

Football analogies

I generally do not watch a lot of sport. With the Olympic Games coming up, I may catch the odd competition. I do have to say that I find team sports more interesting to watch and may view some basketball or volleyball games. For me the most interesting spectator game is still football. But I…

Hymn Sunday

Music affects us far more deeply than just the written or spoken word alone. Hymns and songs give voice to our emotions, our deepest feelings, our sincerest convictions, our firmest hopes, and our hidden longings. Through them many people can more readily praise and worship God. Through hymns and songs, which often endure across generations,…