Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

New Year

As we enter into the new year it is a good time to look back and reflect what this year has brought us and to look forward to the next year. The past year was still dominated by COVID-19 with various restrictionson gatherings. Most of us have been infected with the virus during the year.…

Deck the hall

Vestry has decided to support in principle the concept presented by Te Papanui Trust to refurbish the hall complex, integrating St Paul’s Hall more closely with the youth centre LOOP.An architectural concept design has been completed, which would allow greater integration andincorporating the Parish Office and Vicar’s Office as part of the overall redevelopment. The…

The Christmas Tree

The origins of the Christmas tree seem to be shrouded somewhat in mystery. It seems that there were old pagan customs in Europe of decorating houses with evergreen plants in mid-winter. There are chronicled mentions from the 15th and 16th centuries of public Christmas trees in Baltic towns, for example in Riga, today in Latvia.…


Buenos días, queridos amigos y hermanos en cristo Jesus, aprovechamos la ocasión para invitarles a la misa de la navidad que celebraremos en Español el día 24 de Diciembre a las 5:00 pm de la tarde. Es un honor poder compartir con ustedes este hermoso momento – tiempo de brindar paz, amor y alegria a…

Bus driver for Jesus

Last week I went to the induction of a vicar into his new parish. As usual when travelling around Christchurch I went by bus. At the end of the event I had just missed the bus that provided the quicker connection back to Papanui, so took the long, slow bus ride home. As I entered…

The hole

Over a year ago I wrote about the hole along the bike path that we encountered on our way to school every school day. We had to look out for the hole, so that we would not end up having an accident. One of the parishioners contacted me shortly after the newsletter was published and…

A Message Worth Sharing

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.Do nothing out of selfish ambition or…

Enjoy it while we can

Last week we finally got our washing machine back after more than three months. It had a defect, but was still under warranty. For just over a month we had no washing machine at all. We had to resort to quite a bit of hand washing and I occasionally went to the laundromat to get…

Going to the gym religiously

When Christianity was more socially prominent, going to church was seen as doing the “right thing”. A few decades ago society expected people to go to Church. It was the responsible thing to do. Well, I wonder whether gymnasiums have taken over that role in today’s society. My wife got me into a gym, and…

Voluntary organisations

I am a passive member of some railway societies—the sort of organisations that restore and operate heritage railway vehicles, archive historical documents and photographs related to railways, publish magazines and hold meetings. Like so many other groups, these associations currently face difficulties. Some trends are recognisable across many voluntary associations, whether that is sports clubs,…