Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

Sunday services during Level 2

We continue to have Sunday Services during Level 2. Please observe physical distancing. We are encouraged to wear masks during services. There will be no morning tea. If there is Communion, it will be given of one kind (wafers) only. On 30 August 2020 there will be no Communion during services.

Environmental Management Plan

St Paul’s now has an Environmental Management Plan, which is used to monitor environmental performance of our activities and seeks to implement care for the environment in our decision making. In response to a motion from Diocesan Synod last year we were required to formulate a parish response to climate change. However, it is best…


Our stay in Arthur’s Pass occasioned a wee dose of nostalgia, not only because I thought about past times I spent in mountains, but also because I remembered something about the history of the word. The word nostalgia was coined by the Swiss physician Johannes Hofer in 1688 by combining the Greek words nostos (homecoming)…

Entender a Dios (La Familia)

¿Cómo entender a Dios, a nuestro padre celestial? Primero tenemos que reconocer el núcleo de nuestra familia. Está quien hace el papel del padre, el papel de la madre, el de la hermana y el hermano. Les pondré un ejemplo: Cuando somos niños pequeños que algo nos duele, nos lástima o molesta, de inmediato acudimos…

Social Services Sunday

This Sunday is Social Services Sunday. It is a day to remember and pray for the many social service agencies of the Church. The care for the poor and vulnerable has been a characteristic of the people of God since Ancient Israel. The Church has always been called to respond to human need by loving service. But the development of social service…

St Paul

29 June—this Monday—is the Day of St Peter and St Paul. They are commemorated together because of their martyrdom in Rome during the Neronian persecution about 64CE. The two apostles also have their individual feast days (St Paul on 25 January; St Peter on 22 February). That means we could celebrate the patronal festival twice a year. Well, after the coronavirus experience…

La Confianza

Muy buenos días: Nos sentimos agradecidos por esta hermosa mañana que nos ha preparado el señor Jesús. Le alabamos y le glorificamos por su presencia a través de su santo espíritu para que habite en cada uno de nosotros. Nos sentimos orgullosos y agradecidos porque él vive y reina para siempre en nuestros corazones, fortaleciendo…

Duty of Care

You will notice that in this newsletter there is also an announcement from the Abuse in Care Royal Commission of Inquiry. As a church we have to be aware that abuse of children often has not been addressed adequately in the past, that oversight was not satisfactory. Often the Church did not have due process in place or did not follow such…

La Perseverancia

Buenos días en esta hermosa mañana que ha regalado el señor Jesús. Alguna vez han fijado la vista al cielo y observado el vuelo de grupos de aves trasladarse de un lugar para el otro. Esto suele suceder en horas específicas del día. Tendrán sus motivos y significado, pero de algo estamos seguro de su…

Small groups

“Grow in Faith” is part of our mission statement. There are many ways in which growth in faith can be encouraged. Regular prayer and reading the Bible and other good literature can help. Coming together as church is also important. It is widely recognised that sharing in small groups helps us to grow in faith. We can explore the Bible and faith…