Helping People to Meet God • Make Friends • Grow in Faith

The visions of humans and the plans of God

It may seem like a distant memory now, but some of you may still be able to visualize the film we watched at our film night in early March. It was called “All Saints” and retold the real story of how the All Saints Church in Smyrna, Tennessee, avoided closure. The Episcopalian rector at the church knew that God told him to…

Old Papanui. Can you guess where?

Heritage is a valuable thing. The Jews looked back to the Exodus, as well as the Mesopotamian man of Chaldean Ur, Abram, whose father was a pagan, for their sense of origin and being. Abraham was therefore an ‘Iraqi.’ “Hebrews” –descendants of Eber. We look back to 1852 when St Paul’s was built inside and from the timber stand that was Papanui…

Five Ways to Wellbeing

There are lots of thoughts about what wellbeing is but let’s agree that it is when we feel contented and at peace with ourselves, others and our God. We can think about physical wellbeing, emotional, mental, family and spiritual wellbeing. The WHO (World Health Organization) has suggested five ways of achieving wellbeing. Giving. This can be giving of time, just being with…

Thoughts on getting the trivia sorted

Some of us are spending this lockdown time in getting ‘things sorted’. Having ‘sized down’ into our Ryman’s villa 5 years ago, I thought that we had jettisoned pretty well and it felt really good to be nicely lightened. As I use some of this time to check cupboards (and the garage!) I can almost hear The Teacher — Ecclesiastes — saying…

The blackbird’s call

I once spent some years working in an international organisation in a major European city, in a job often fraught with political tension. I found it a stressful environment, although it had many good and interesting features too. In such an environment it was easy to ‘forget’ God—the constancy of pressure was such that work-life became something of a blur. But one…

The healing touch of Jesus

Deep down in my soul runs a favourite hymn which we used to sing frequently in Nelson Cathedral when I was Curate. The congregation had a passion for it, and sang it with thoughtful sincerity. (Evensong has always been my favourite Sunday Service.) The hymn is based on Mark 1:32+. At even e’er the sun was set, The sick, O Lord, around…

All things bright and beautiful

A couple of weeks back we had a beautiful sunset. The sky was all orange and red and yellow and pink and changed colour every minute or two. We are lucky to have brilliant sunsets here in Canterbury. It made me think of the words of that beautiful old song ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’. Let me take you on a brief…

A thought for today

I normally believe and proclaim that today is by far the most important day of our lives. After all, it is when we get everything done. It is the one we live in. But who am I to argue with Hollywood legend John Wayne about that? He does make a very good point. The Duke once said “Tomorrow is the most important…

FLY with wings like Eagles?

This was the outside of our front door. It’s a fly. Earlier in the week I left for work and the fly was there. Since then we have had a southerly squall, torrential rain and wind. The next day I went out in the morning. The fly was still there. It had not moved. There is a lesson for us in this.…

These little ones

I decided to raise a political issue today, while we are all safely tucked away in our bubbles. By the time you see me again, you might forgive me for that. Anyone listening to my sermons closely might have noticed that now and then there are political undertones just beneath the surface. Indeed faith cannot be fully separated from politics.               Recently…